
Promoting access to justice and education for children in conflict with the law
About Us

Wakili.sha is a non-profit organization promoting access to justice and education for children in conflict with the law.

We achieve this through offering free legal representation; mentorship, talent & skills development; public awareness & advocacy.

Come join us

In Kenya, 80% of children in conflict with the law lack access to justice. Lack of legal representation effectively denies them their constitutional right to a fair trial. Further, lack of access to education and skills development denies them the chance to rebuild their lives and escape poverty and recidivism.


We organize inclusive events for Women & Girls

Help us raise money for lorem ipsum dolor
17 July, 2020

Education Programmes that lorem ipsum

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29 June, 2020

Sunt in culpa qui Officia Deserunt mollit anim

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis nec a odio.

5 MAY, 2020​

Fugit, sed quia magni dolores eos qui Ratione

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Our impact
Influencing the way people, organisations, and movements think and act.
Annual Reports​
2019 / 2020 – Annual Report
2018 / 2019 – Annual Report
2017 / 2018 – Annual Report
2016 / 2017 – Annual Report
2015 / 2016 – Annual Report
Our partners
Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes

wakilisha poster